Thursday, February 14, 2013

Resolute in 2013

So, how are your New Year's Resolutions coming? I had only one. Comes with age, I think. Focus. Simplicity. Uncluttered mind. I just heard you chuckle. Mine was simply to remember to write 2013 instead of 2012. Underachiever, you say? This transition is not as easy as it once was. I do not write the date every day, do you? I do not write very many checks anymore. Less than once a month, actually. In this digital world, I mostly choose the date rather than originate it.

On to weightier matters. I am resolute about a number of things this year:

  • I am resolute about my task with the senior minister selection team.
    This responsibility weighs heavily on all of the team members. We feel the urgency of expectation, the need to get it right. We also feel great strength in knowing God's hand is in this process.
  • More importantly, I am resolute about needed changes to my walk with God that this experience has revealed. 
  • I am resolute about reclaiming my health.
    Recovery from neck surgery over a year ago has been painfully slow. In the process, I have lost a handle on other areas of health: weight, exercise, healthy routines.
  • I am resolute about carving out a healthier lifestyle.
    Diminished capacity has narrowed my world, and I am eager to expand my horizons again.
  • I am resolute about envisioning and creating an optimal strategy for this stage of my life.
    Condo living has never appealed to me, but yard work and home maintenance are becoming less and less doable. 
So, there you have it in a nutshell. No recriminations for unkept resolutions will be forthcoming. In this, as in all of life, if God wills, may it be so.