Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Blessed Day

I came home this afternoon to find a voice mail commendation from a stranger for today's “well-written” letter to the editor. His parting words were “God bless you.” God does. This phone message was one of those ways.

The edited letter follows:

Character defines women

Many columnists and so-called feminists focus on a woman’s “right to choose” abortion as being singularly important. But, a woman’s stand on abortion rights does not define her life. Character does.

Michelle Obama has a knack for torpedoing her image as a prospective First Lady reminiscent of Theresa Heinz in the last election cycle. Michelle made headlines with her ill-advised comments at a public appearance.

It does not matter what Michelle thinks about a woman’s “right to choose.” She has proved herself incapable of choosing words wisely or acting prudently.

Contrast that with the graciousness of an accomplished Cindy McCain, and there is “no contest.”

Oh, and did I mention that “cute” Sarah Palin, who has been in the public eye more than a decade and earned a popularity rating of over 80% as Governor of Alaska?

I didn’t think the editors would print it, but they did. And it evidently blessed someone’s life, who blessed mine in return.

Monday, September 01, 2008

As It Turns Out

Labor Day. Whatever this day is meant to be, it didn't turn out like many people planned. Thousands evacuated their homes along the Gulf Coast. The Republicans suspended their convention out of respect for the victims of Gustav. My big projects got put on hold for one reason or another.

So, I watched the progression of the news cycle throughout the day. Gustav waxing and waning. The trials of the political limelight. The ugliness of the left-wing bloggers followed by the Palin family's admissions. Record contributions to relief efforts. Very small polling bumps from all of last week's pomp.

Most noteworthy is that my neighbors' actions balanced each other out today. The scourge of the neighborhood unleashed their dogs on my yard to take care of their "business" again, and I registered a protest because I'm growing weary of their penchant for abusing and terrorizing the neighborhood (In return, I received a veiled threat to burn down my house). Another neighbor I don't even know (who delivers the paper) stopped by to offer to take my dead hot water heater to the dump. I'd planned to make one big haul after I tore out some paneling, but I accepted. What a nice gesture.

Whatever the rest of the week brings, I will remember that a stranger extended an unexpected kindness on this day.