Thursday, May 14, 2009

Kristi Needs

Thanks, Patty, for a fun exercise this morning. Googling "Kristi needs" garnered some amazingly accurate results. It seems that Kristi needs:

  1. A schedule. Kristi needs to know exactly what time she is to be doing something and exactly how to do it. Not really. I'm quite resourceful.
  2. A new hair color. What, you don't like the silver highlights?
  3. To go to Home Depot and buy a filter for the exhaust fan over her stove. Honestly, I just put in a new fan! Is it dirty already?
  4. HELP. Don't we all.
  5. Bread. Always, because I have to bake my own. Then, again, there's the beatnik $$$.
  6. A boyfriend. Most of my life.
  7. To be patient. Refer back to number 6!
  8. Some sleep. Hmmmmmmmm.
  9. Our support and prayers. Now more than ever.
  10. Numbers. Mostly more numbers in my bank account. See number 9.

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