Saturday, November 12, 2011

Changing Seasons

In this time of changing seasons, much of my life is in transition.
I am surprised daily by how little energy I have during my recovery from surgery. Even though I am on a restricted work schedule, I can’t get used to how little on my to-do list gets checked off at the end of the day. I fall asleep as soon as I get comfortable in my lounge chair and can sleep 14 hours overnight. It is easy to over-do in the course of the day, but I am learning how important it is to truly recuperate.
I began a new full-time job as office manager/case manager with Northwest Marriage Institute under their three-year Pathways to Responsible Fatherhood grant. Working with this group of people will be a cut above most job experiences. We Christians aren’t perfect, but we share a faith-based perspective that frames our relationships and work ethic. Family counseling is uncharted territory for me and, except for the administrative commonality, will be a learning experience. Taxpayer funding of this non-profit has provided eye-opening exposure to the wasteful and plodding workings of government. No for-profit business could survive if it operated like a government bureaucracy.
This week I moved into my new office. It was fun to dig out my pictures and other office things that make the space mine. I love the huge window, but I look forward to changing the nondescript green walls to more livable brown tones.
My most recent renter violated the terms of occupancy in a damaging way, and I had to evict her. But my new boss needs an unfurnished space, and this fits the bill. So, yesterday I donated Mom’s furniture to the church in preparation for my new renter. I was surprised at how much it tugged at my heart strings to dissemble this place after 23½ years— 15 years after Mom’s passing.
At an age when many begin retirement, I am embarking on a new three-year working experience. That, and the prospect of an equally-long rental arrangement, opens the window to personal growth and financial stability.
 “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

1 comment:

Papa John said...

May this just be the beginning of prayers in your behalf being answered for you by the Lord who knows what you need. And Congratulations again on the new position.