Tuesday, August 31, 2010


The weather has been foreshadowing fall's approach for weeks, and now September is less than a day away. Even with all of the clues that summer was nearing a close, it seems like only yesterday that the nice weather finally came. I have to admit that I'm not yet ready for the change of season, and I'm glad to be heading to sunny Mexico for vacation in a few days.

Life is like that. We look forward to milestones that never seem to arrive and are stunned by time that flew by so quickly as to be unnoticed. The 21st birthday that looms so far ahead that it seems it will never happen... and the 50th birthday that can't possibly be coming to someone who feels so young. Retirement has more and more appeal to me, even though it doesn't seem possible that I could be old enough to consider it.

God doesn't seem to share my problems with time and the seasons of life. Although there are times when I understand perfectly how a day could be like a thousand years to Him, I have not developed His sense of timing. Phrases like "in the fullness of time," "at just the right time," and "chosen before the foundation of the world" portray a precision and purpose that eludes me. So, I share this prayer of Moses from Psalm 90:
Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
My prayer for you, as well, is that you may learn to gauge your seasons of life well.

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