Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lambs and Lions

That gentle lamb that was beguiling everyone last week got up, stretched, roared, and stalked off like a lion. A week ago, I spent the day outside cleaning up the yard in sunny, 66-degree weather. Today it is a stormy 44 degrees, with snow levels down to 1000 feet. No wonder March is seen as a fickle month, weather wise.

This week also saw me break my almost year-long record of wellness. I'm nursing a bad cold today, which seems to have settled in my chest. But, I'm not alone. Almost half of my friends and coworkers have been visited by this bug. I got lax about hand-washing and using Purell when it seemed that spring had arrived. Now I'm paying for it.

I can't help but think of the admonition from Peter:
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. I Peter 5:8
It pays to keep your guard up, when it comes to your safety.

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