Betty tagged me to produce my lists, so here goes:
5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago (As near as I can remember)
1. Breathing in.
2. Breathing out.
3. Eating.
4. Um... well, you know...
5. Reading.
5 Things I Want to do in 2009 (Better idea)
1. Find the perfect job... er, a good full-time job.
2. Spend more time with family and friends.
3. Advance the NW chapter of AMWA as president.
4. Keep on decluttering life and home.
5. Finish remodel projects.
5 Things On My To-Do List Today
1. Finish the brochure for the AMWA-NW's Symposium.
2. Go to the grocery store... finally.
3. Do on-line job search.
4. Make appointments for me and dog-children.
5. Sweep debris off the patio.
5 Snacks I Like
1. Popcorn.
2. Tootsie Roll Pops.
3. Cheese, summer sausage, rice crackers, and grapes.
4. Jelly Bellys.
5. Corn chips and salsa.
5 Things I Would Do If I Were A Millionaire
1. Retire!
2. Retire all my debts.
3. Buy a beach house.
4. Buy a house with a garden patch.
5. Set up a trust for things I would like to support.
5 Places I Have Lived (For Various Lengths Of Time)
1. Guymon, Oklahoma (6 years)
2. Corvallis, Oregon (6 and 3 years)
3. Weiser, Idaho (1 summer)
4. Los Angeles, California (8 months)
5. Vancouver, Washington (31 years)
5 Jobs I Have Had
1. Technical Writer.
2. Laboratory Director.
3. Financial Services Regional Manager.
4. College Biology Instructor.
5. Addressograph techi for Montgomery Ward credit office.
5 People I Tag (to post a "5 Things . . . " list on their blog)
Put your name right here: ___________.
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