Friday, December 19, 2008

Dreaming of a White Christmas

Winter has finally come to this part of the country. As much as I enjoyed our prolonged Indian Summer, I was invigorated by the sunny, brisk cold that followed. Now we're getting a rare smattering of snow, with promises of more to come. Three snow storms in less than a week. Gotta love this "global warming!"

Most of my Holiday social events were scheduled this week. And, just like the gal's white board calendar gets "opened up" when the guy in the cranberry bog spills juice that washes away Wednesday's notations, the storm fronts are erasing my holiday schedule day by day. I don't know if the white stuff will stick around for Christmas, but one can hope. After all, 'tis the season.

All of you who are looking out your window in hopes of seeing more snow and dreaming of a White Christmas have soul-mates here. I hope that all of your Christmas wishes come true! God bless us every one.

1 comment:

brenvanc said...

I think our social calendars are overlapping and my are definitely getting erased as well. So if I don't get to see you prior to the big day,

Have a Very Merry Christmas!