I recently read tips on surviving months-long unemployment. Along with resume and job-hunting tips were health tips like exercising and eating healthy foods. I would like to add to that recipe the art of developing a grateful heart.
More than ever before, I focus on finding joy in each day. I'm thankful for the small things, some I have taken for granted most of my life. Like waking up and feeling well. And greeting the morning with a rich cup of coffee, often on the patio watching the day brighten. Watching the birds as they discover the fountain... and the dogs as they discover the birds. I am especially drawn to an awareness of the blessing of family and friends. So if I tell you I thank God for you every day, know that I am telling you the truth.
Sound trite? It can be-- and often is in our hurry-scurry, deadline meeting lives. Now, as I have time, I'm taking time to notice. And to be grateful. Not only grateful, but prayerfully so. God surrounds me every day with reminders of his loving kindness, and each day as I thank Him for those things, I remain confident that this time has value... and my future is well secure in His hands.