Sunday, March 08, 2009

A Day At A Time

What would you do if someone told you the next 10 months would be yours to pretty much do with as you pleased? An extended vacation of sorts. A mini-retirement. Ideas would come crowding into your mind if you're anything like me. The possibilities would seem endless. And exciting.

But, if that time came dribbling a day at a time, with the next day or two that of expectant change, what would you do with just that day or two?

Perspective changes everything.

Looking back, I could've written my memoirs, researched and written a book of substance, remodeled the front room or Mom's place, redesigned the yard. Any number of things. Who knew that the days would stretch into months?
Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

....................................Ps 90:12